We’ve finally found some time and money to make some changes to our master bedroom. When we moved in, I bought a comforter and some lamps and that was about it for the next few years. I spent my time and energy (and dollars) on the other rooms in our house.
We’ve started and stopped this makeover a few times. My husband painted the room a few months ago (a greige color). And then we stopped working on it. I’ve started sourcing a few things in the last few weeks to get the ball rolling and I think we are close to executing.
I started by creating a Bedroom Ideas Pinterest board here awhile ago. I just started randomly pinning bedrooms and accessories I liked. When I took a look at what I was consistently pinning, I came up with my theme. I would call it a glam/comfy/classic look. Think classic end tables, some crystal elements and layered bedding. Here’s a few photos of what I’m thinking of.
I found all of these on Pinterest but couldn’t find the original links, so if you know of them, please let me know so I can properly give credit.
I’m also in love with Anthropologie’s bedding (who isn’t) but I don’t think that is in the price range. I’ll be on the lookout for some lower cost look-a-likes. I go back and forth between the dark gray and the white. Both are gorgeous. Which would you pick? Both photos below are from Anthropologie.
What’s the feel of your master bedroom? Is it the last place you decorate too? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!